The Ferntree Gully Cricket Club is the oldest community group in the City of Knox and can directly trace its origins back to 1882. The clubs history is steeped in a who’s who of Ferntree Gully residents and much of the effort of these men and women is now publicly available and presented to current generations. The Cricket Club (and in more recent years the Football Club) pride themselves in their past and the obvious connections within the township of Ferntree Gully as it, like the two clubs, expanded to meet the growth, needs and good and bad times in the area.
The clubs service and support over 300 members and their extended families in the summer months and offer the wider community a safe and comfortable place in which their recreation can be actively or passively pursued Connections with the local community are strong and the club maintains this relationship as a crucial component of their ongoing success and longevity.
The Ferntree Gully Cricket Club is located at the ‘Wally Tew Reserve’ at new players are always welcome, with training conducted at the Reserve Nets on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the cricket season. The Club’s magnificent two storey social rooms are open during and after Training on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, as well as on Saturday match days and most Sundays throughout the summer season.

Location: Wally Tew Reserve, Glenfern Road, Ferntree Gully
Contact: Stephen Fleming
Post: P.O. Box 1154 Mountain Gate Shopping Centre, Ferntree Gully 3156
Phone Contact: 0417 036 136
Website: www.ferntreegullycc.com.au
Email: ftgdca1@bigpond.com